বেগুনের ফল ছিদ্রকারী পোকা

 বেগুনের ফল ছিদ্রকারী পোকা-Brinjal shoot and

Z fruit borer.

Phylum- Arthropoda.
Class - Insecta.
Order- Lepidoptera.
Family- Pyraustidae.
Genus- Leucinodes.
Species- Leucinodes Orbonalis.
Distribution: In Bangladesh this pest enjoy a country wide distribution. Besides Bangladesh it is also found in India, srilanka, Burma, Malaysia, congo, and south Africa.
Food plants and nature of damage: It is the most important and destructive pest of brinjal in Bangladesh. Sometimes it also seriously infests potatoes. Damage to the plant is caused mainly by the larvae. Which bores through the terminal part of the mid rib of large leaves and tender shoot to cause 'dead hearts'
Later on it also enters into flower buds and fruits. It plugs the entry hole by its excreta. The infested terminal shoots and fruits ultimately drop out. The pest can caused 70 to100% damage to the brinjal crops and up to 40% damage to the potato crops.
Marks of identification: The adult is greyish- brown moth with white wings. The fore and hind wings are provided with marginal hairs and bears pinkish - brown spots. The adult size is 20mm across the spread wings.
Life cycle: The adult female, after copulation, lay about lay about 250 eggs are laid singly on the surface of the tender leaves. Shoot or fruits of the host plant during March April. The eggs are white and flat in appearance.
Within 3to5 days larvae hatches out from the eggs. The larvae enters the plant tissues immediately after their hatching and after five moultings. It become fully makned the fully growth larvae is stout pink coloured with brown head.
Advertisements: The body bears wart all over the body through which hairs protrudes out. Larval period last for about 10-15 days. The matured larva comes out of the host tissues and forms pupa among the fallen leaves or on the surface of stem and fruits of the host plant.
Pupation occurs inside a grey. Tough cocoon the pupal stage lasts for 6to 8 days. After which adult appears. The adult moths live for two to five days.
There are five overlapping generations in their active please in a year. During winter the larvae hibernates inside the soil.
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